Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Support for the Effects of Thought on Reality

My friend sent me this- and hadn't even seen the previous posts- Awesome-


Rav Zvi Leshem

One of the most famous aggadot regarding Rosh Hashana tells of the three books in which everyone is inscribed for the coming year, the righteous, the wicked, and those in the middle, whose inscription is pushed off until Yom Kippur.[1][1] This idea, reflected in our prayers, such as Avinu Malkenu, in which we repeatedly mention this idea of inscription, is a powerful motif in the holiday atmosphere and in our popular imagination.

The Baal Shem Tov[2][2] has a remarkable understanding of this concept; all of the thoughts that come into one's head on Rosh Hashana – they are the inscribing, whether for good or for bad (G-d forbid) and if one has negative thoughts he must sweeten them and do battle with the yetzer hara that purposely sends us these thoughts….

This outstanding chidush, that we essentially determine our fate for the coming year by the nature of our thoughts on Rosh Hashana, is based upon the well known idea[3][3] that Rosh Hashana, as the "head" of the year, sends out spiritual nerve impulses through the coming year, just as the brain controls the rest of the body. Just as a baby's entire genetic makeup is determined at the moment of conception, so too Rosh Hashana, known as harat hayom, the day of the conception of the year[4][4] determines the makeup of the coming year. What the Besht adds to this is that all of this is in our hands; in fact it is in our heads![5][5] This understanding of Rosh Hashana has very far-reaching consequences for our observance on this holy day. The most important thing is to be careful to be in a good and positive state of mind the entire day. We must be even more careful than usual not to allow anything to make us upset or angry, and not to get annoyed about all kinds of little things that may come up at shul or at home. As we have seen, the yetzer hara works overtime on Rosh Hashana to provide us with all kinds of reasons to get annoyed or into a bad mood. Perhaps the chazzan wasn't to our liking or the davening was too fast or too slow. Maybe the food wasn't prepared exactly as I like it, or someone forgot to arrange something at home the way it should be. It was too hot outside or the air conditioner in shul was too cold. My neighbor at shul distracted me by talking or my child had trouble sitting still. Perhaps I am just angry and frustrated about my own inability to progress spiritually as I desire or a little bit resentful towards HaShem about some perceived unfairness.

Are these the thoughts that we want to determine the coming year? Certainly not! We must make a strong effort not to think like this, and if we find these ideas creeping into our heads, to "sweeten" them by trying to find the good in these issues, or by gently distracting ourselves from them to get ourselves back into a positive frame of mind. Of course if we do have negative thoughts we certainly shouldn't get upset about it, that will only compound the problem. We need to do everything in our power to make ourselves happy, to bring joy to our family and friends on this holy day. I heard from the Rebbe of Komarno, Rav Eliezer Zvi Safrin shlit"a, that this is also the reason for the simanim, the special foods we eat at the evening meal. We aren't engaging in a magical ceremony, we are simply eating sweet foods and foods whose names have positive connotations, in order to help strengthen our positive mood![6][6]

As we go into this Rosh Hashana may we merit to internalize this transformative teaching of the holy Baal Shem Tov and to actualize it throughout the two days of Yuntef. We will thus, with HaShem's help, inscribe ourselves in the Book of Life, for a year of happiness, health, livelihood, warm relationships and closeness with HaShem.

Shana Tova u'Metuka!

[1][1] Talmud Bavli, Rosh Hashana 16b. In Chassidut we find that the final judgment is not until Hoshana Raba or even Chanuka!

[2][2] Baal Shem Tov al haTora, Rosh Hashana – Yom Kippur, 45. My Rebbe, HaRav HaGaon David Halivni shlit"a, told me that "we write the check and HaKadosh Baruch Hu signs it". Rav Yitzchak Meir Morgenstern shlit"a brings this idea in the name of the Maggid of Mezeritch in his commentary to Lekutai Moharan 211, p. 4, to explain the Chassidic custom spending Rosh Hashana with one's Rebbe. Being in the presence of a Zaddik will help one to purify his thoughts and to have only positive ones during the holiday.

[3][3] This is discussed by Rebbe Natan of Nemirov in Lekutai Halachot, Orla, 4:18.

[4][4] Rav Zaddok in the name of the Ari. Pri Zaddik, Rosh Hashana 7.

[5][5] This is related to the Besht's overall stress on the importance of machshava, thought, and its ability to redefine and to determine reality, especially in the context of prayer, as expressed in his famous quote; in the place where a person thinks, the entire person is found. For an example, see Baal Shem Tov al haTora, Noach, Amud HaTefila 56, Mekor Maim Chaim 31.

[6][6] The Rebbe even added that the "New Year's Eve" celebrations of the Gentiles, despite their frivolous nature, are based upon the same basic idea; that it is crucial to begin the year in a positive happy mood and that this will have a positive impact upon the entire year.

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